All of the above myths
Re: What were the basic myths promoted by pr? -- La-ex Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: Brian S ®
03/10/2003, 08:18:49

That you mentioned la-ex and I recall a few others such as the Lord of the Universe number and the myth that Guru Maharaji could show God to us face to face.

Then of course there is the rotting vegetable myth, and the peace bomb statement a very big fundamental myth which you alluded to in your post. I reiterate that one because I understand that he and his followers contend that he has actually accomplished this goal.

The skinny on it is that since PR has been around the world so many times conveying his message that everyone has heard about him and the knowledge at least once from someone somewhere.

Therefore, his job of establishing peace is complete on that premise, now go figure that one out rationally.

In the mean time, World War III is about to break out

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