Dear Sazyou:
You sound like an intelligent, reasonable
person. You also sound as if you are not really
sure about what all the fuss is about here on forum
V. I'm not sure how much of the information on this
website you have read. If not much, if you just
came onto the forum directly, I can see why you
might be puzzled. In lieu of explaining what this
forum and the website is about, I would ask you, as
a visiting premie, to consider a few questions:
If Knowlede and M. are the Truth, then why are
PWKs required to keep the techniques secret? Why
not shout the 'Truth' from the rooftops?
Why are you not encouraged to talk about your
own experience, except in a syrconized, scripted
Why can't the premies have an open forum in like
this one, where they can talk to each other in
real-time, without having their postings edited and
re-written for them?
Why is there all these secrets around M.?
Why aren't Elan Vital's financial records
available to the public, if there is nothing to
hide? Even many churches, who are not required to
make their records public, do so, because they wish
to show their members they have nothing to hide,
and want them to see where the money goes, to
encourage more donations.
If you enquire about EV finances, as a long time
doner (as I have, more than once), why are you
given no information?
Why is the history of M and K being denied,
revised and rewritten?
How is he supposed to spread this Knowlege
around the world, when he is hiding and
inaccessible, when their is no accounting for what
happens to the money collected for this
Do you really even know this man? How consistant
is he in what he says? Why are his videos heavily
edited, and even recalled and pulled out of
circulation? What is he really doing? Do you
Does the truth need to be hidden and protected?
Will the truth not hold up to scrutiny and
skeptisism? Isn't it only lies that need to be
hidden and protected from scrutiny?
If you have been having a wonderful experience
being associated with M., how much of it comes from
M. himself, and how much comes from your own
effort, and your faith in him? Many claim they
continue to have good experiences in their practice
after moving on from the guru. Even Indian stories
tell of saints who only met their guru once, or
were otherwise separted, who continued to have
happy experiances. Is it conceivable that it may be
possible for you, also?
Many Premies don't want to know about the things
discussed here, because they are afraid that their
'truth', what they feel to be the truth about M.,
won't hold up to scrutiny. It's scary to have your
illusions destroyed. But afterwards, you are left
free, free to embrace something better, those
things in your life that DO hold up to scrutiny.
Things you don't have to be ashamed of or
embarassed about, things you can actually feel GOOD
about, and talk about in your own words. You are
left with something you don't have to hide or
protect, and that is such a relief.
I found the information on EPO difficult to
reconcile with my involvement with M. and his
organization. Yet, I felt there were things
regarding my involvement that were helpful, but
there were always things I felt uncommfortable with
too. So with new information, I reexamined all of
it, an how I felt about it. I concluded that the
things I had liked about my experience being
involved with M and K were all things that I could
take with me. I could separate the wheat from the
chaff, and move on. So I did.
I am not angry and bitter like some people who
post on here on EPO. But I did not suffer as badly
or as personally, either. I don't critisize their
anger, just because I don't feel as angry. People
feel the way they feel, and don't need anyone
telling them they ''Should'' feel diferently.
You seem to be telling us that you feel content,
and I wouldn't want you to feel otherwise. I have
Premie friends, and when it comes to Maharaji, we
agree to disagree. I wouldn't like them attacking
me or my beliefs, and I don't attack theirs. They
know they can come to me if they ever want to
discuss leaving M. and moving on. I leave it at
I only ask you to consider these questions,
because you have posted here on Forum V. I believe
it is possible to have the contentment you
describe, without worshiping a guru, and also
without hating him. In fact, it's difficult if not
impossible to experience contentment while being
angry at anyone.
I don't regret learning Kriya Yoga from M.,
thought it has been mixed up with a lot of other
stuff, like bhakti yoga, that I feel I don't need.
I feel he should have been more honest about what
he was teaching, bhakti yoga and kriya yoga,
combined. It is the secrecy and the lies, the
hidden finances and M's growing emphasis on himself
(the bhakti yoga) as being more important than the
kriya yoga, that have caused me to move on. While I
don't hate him, I don't feel any need to defend
him, either. He's a grown man now, and can defend
himself, if he wants to. He's had ample opportunity
Many of us would be willing to hear him explain
things, but he apparently dosen't wish to. He can
take the consequences of that.
I still practice and enjoy the techiniques. They
are called Kriya Yoga, and are freely available,
from many teachers. I enjoy it so much, perhaps
I'll teach it myself one day. I'd like to see
everyone be content, only without having to hide
things or make excuses. If many can do that with
Yoga, great. To each his own. If some prefer Bhakti
to Kriya, or a combination, that is their
If you can live with all the questions I've
mentioned above, that is also your choice, although
many would ask you, how? Why? What are your
answers? Many people can't live with those
questions, and that is what this forum is for. You
imply that you are very happy. I certainly don't
want you to be otherwise! I also love to be happy!
I just find it easier to do if I don't have to keep
secrets and can speak my mind about any thing I
like regarding my experience of life. Easier if I
don't have awkward questions like the ones above
haunting me, when I don't feel I have to defend
things I don't agree with. Easier, when I am free
to share my own experiance, without relating it to
some agenda created by someone else. Easier when I
am just free to be myself.
Wishing you only the best for your
- Charles S.