Test |
Michael Langone, in his article 'Cults, Violence, and the Millennium,' suggests the following three characteristics as essential in the definition of a cultic group: 1.
centralized control by a charismatic leader |
Compiled list: 1.Control-oriented leadership - leader claims to be an all-knowing, liberated being. 2.Hierarchical structure with an elite inner circle - including leader's assistants. 3.Group leader not accountable to any authorities, as are, for example: military commanders, and ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream denominations. 4.Polarized us-versus-them, black-or-white mentality causing conflict with wider society. 5.Manipulation of members by alternating guilt/anxiety/fear/ostracism and attention. 6.Group perception of being spiritually unique/elite and separate from normal culture. 7.Denunciation of other spiritual/religious leaders and groups. 8.Mind-numbing techniques (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used to suppress doubts about group and leader. 9.Spiritual practices emphasize experience rather than rationality. 10.Sexual abuse - leader uses power to sexually exploit members. 11.Economic exploitation of members by leader and assistants. 12.Confidentiality of members private affairs (legal, medical) violated by leader and assistants. 13.Members' subservience to group causes them to cut or weaken ties with family, friends, and personal goals and activities that were of interest before joining group. 14.Reliance on outside professional help, doctors, therapists, etc., discouraged. 15.Leader poses as self-sacrificing divine agent who only promotes members' well-being. 16.Service is inner directed toward the group not the surrounding community. 17.Revamping of members' cultural/moral values to suit leader's lifestyle and program. 18.Conformity to group's/leader's values, life style, mode of dress, diet, esthetics, and so on. 19.Promotion of dependence on group/leader - often disguised. 20.Important personal decisions must be approved by leader - members seek his blessing. 21.Phobia induction vis-à-vis leaving the group/leader. 22.Painful exit process - ex-members ridiculed, threatened, and dumped. |