DuPertuis, L. (1986):
How people recognize charisma: the case of darshan in
Radhasoami and Divine Light Mission.
Sociological Analysis, 47, Page 111-124. University of
This paper exames the recognition of charisma as an
active conscious social process involving the confirmation
of belief through non cognitive methods of altering
perception. In the illustrative case of Sant Mat /
Radhasoami / Divine Light Mission tradition the Hindu
concept and ritual of darshan is examined. Devotees use
meditative means to recognize charisma in the guru
considered as the formless Absolute, as himself, and as a
"presence" generated within the community of followers. The
aim on all three levels is ecstatic merging of a separate
sense of self with the Absolute . It is conjectured that
once Westerners learned this they no longer felt need of the
guru. The discussion calls for further research on social
components of mystical practices.
In Weber's formulations, charisma clearly appears
in the eyes of the beholders: charisma is
. . . a certain quality of an individual personality by
virtue of which he is considered extraordinary and
treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or
at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities.
(1922:241). (Italics mine)
It is recognition on the part of those subject to
authority which is decisive for the validity of charisma
(1964:359 Italics mine)
Most subsequent interpretations of charisma have agreed,
from Shils' classic statement that, "Charisma, then, is the
quality which is imputed to persons, actions, roles
institutions, symbols and material objects because of their
presumed connection with 'ultimate,' 'fundamental,' 'vital,'
order-determining powers' (Shils, 1968:386, Italics mine),
to very recent discussions (Camic, 1980; Swatos, 1981;
Miyahara, 1983).
Explanations of charismatic recognition have focused
largely on conditions, either within society or within the
psyche, under which it is most likely to appear. Historical
explanations argue that charisma and its recognition arise
during periods of rapid social change and disruption
(Barnes, 1978; Burridge, 1969, Jones and Anservitz,
1975). (1)
Deprivation explanations consider charismatic recognition as
arising in response to extraordinary needs: for meaning
(Glock, 1976); for material necessities, dependency and
ego-strength (Camic, 1980; Emerson, l962; Hine, 1974), for
community (Zablocki, 1980; Richardson et al, 1978).
Manipulationist explanations show leaders accumulating
skills and gimmicks to attract charismatic recognition or
modifying organizational structures to keep it (Johnson,
1979). (2)
People appear passive in these approaches: desperate
times, desperate needs, and desperate characters compel them
to impute charisma. (3)
Once enchanted they remain so indefinitely, against their
better will or reason. They display few conscious efforts to
choose, redirect, intensify, or diminish their
The deterministic stance of such approaches resembles
that of Lofland and Stark's (1965) six-step conversion
process model which Lofland (1977) in retrospect critiqued
as embodying " . . . a thoroughly 'passive' conception of
humans as a 'neutral' medium through which social forces
operate, as Blumer (1969) has so often put it." Lofland adds
that one ought to "turn the process on its head and to
scrutinize how people go about converting themselves.
Assume, that is, that the person is active rather than
merely passive " ( l 977:8 1 7)
The deterministic model of charismatic recognition has
another drawback. In distorting our understanding of
religious motivation and participation by depicting people
as more acted upon than acting, it avoids careful analysis
of the inner workings of charisma. As Matza puts it,
"Positivism, blessed with the virtues and prestige of
science, has little concern for the essence of phenomenon it
wishes to study." (l964:5)
Analysis of how charisma works and how people go about
recognizing it can take place on several levels. First, a
cultural analysis can trace general cultural themes which
delineate ways of learning and teaching charismatic
recognition. (4)
In some cultures,
the propensity to seek contact with transcendent powers
and to impute charisma . . . can be so prized that
individuals are encouraged to allow it to come forward in
their sensitivity. A culture can foster the discernment of
charismatic signs and properties by focusing attention,
providing canons of interpretation, and recommending the
appreciation of the possession of these signs and
properties" (Shils, l968:386).
Second, interactionist analysis of particular movements
can show prospective lenders and followers both
participating in the creation of a charismatic relationship
(Wallis, 1982; Downton, 1973; Bainbridge and Stark, 1979).
The demands and hopes of those who see specialness in their
leader spur him or her to further claims and demonstrations
of powers; these help followers renew and deepen their
original recognition. People, whether or not they are fully
conscious of so doing, thus help to create the objects of
their devotion.
This study analyses a third, phenomenological level by
focusing closely on the techniques people deliberately
cultivate in learning to recognize charisma. It follows
Shils in suggesting that the propensity both to generate and
to impute charisma to others can be "deliberately cultivated
by isolation from the routine environment, by instruction
and self-discipline" (1968:386). Much of the language of
Shils' discussion implies active, conscious efforts to
generate and recognize charisma: "They seek to break the
structures of routine actions and to replace them with
structures of inspired actions . . . " (1968:387). Definite
methods, then, are involved, (5)
and for definite reasons.
Charismatic recognition involves the integration of both
cognitive and non-cognitive methods. "Belief" is the
articulation of religious tenets and metaphysical
possibilities. According to Weber, "The power of charisma
rests upon the belief in revelation and heroes, upon the
conviction that certain manifestations . . . are important
and valuable . .." (1922:1116). Belief in another's charisma
may emerge from unconscious processes such as projection
(Camic, 1980), and/or from intense group pressures. One may
also actively induce belief through the practice of
non-cognitive disciplines like meditation, prayer,
visualization, chanting, and trance induction which intend
to alter perception of self and leader until the leader's
divine specialness comes into view. Belief then helps
interpret the unusual perception and refine attempts to
alter it further.
This alternation of belief and techniques of altered
perception does not end with conversion to a religion, but
endures as a process of continual reconversion.
Doubts must be rebuffed; leaders or circumstances may impose
tests of devotion which require recognition of whole new
levels of specialness or divinity.
These new levels may require more subtle and difficult
meditative efforts, and major changes in belief may result.
A devotee's impression of the charismatic leader, then,
changes continually, and ought not to be depicted as a
static conception. (8)
This analysis examines the case of Divine Light Mission,
a 1970's New Religious Movement whose leader and doctrine
came from India. It will trace, in both India and the West,
the intertwining of belief and meditative discipline which
helped followers generate and sustain over time, in his
presence and in his absence, a perception of their spiritual
leader as divine.
The gurus of Divine Light Mission (DLM) traced their
spiritual lineage from Sant Mat and Radhasoami
traditions. Sant Mat arose in North India from the
inspiration of Kabir ( 1440-1518), Guru Nanak, the first
Sikh leader and other bhakti poets, who stressed devotion to
the Absolute through mystic means and sought to transcend
Hindu-Moslem differences and caste distinctions. Various
loosely associated Sant Mat lineages have persisted
until the present (Lane, 1981).
By the late nineteenth century, Sant Mat had
spawned the Radhasoomi movement, splinters of which
proliferated rapidly throughout North India and spread
eventually abroad, into what Juergensmeyer (1978) has called
a "trans-national movement." This movement succeeded in the
West first because, like Sant Mat, it eschewed caste
distinctions, animal sacrifice, extreme asceticism, and
other Hindu practices repugnant to Westerners. Second,
Radhasoami catered to Western seekers in India, used
English in its publications, and adopted Western principles
of science, organization, and progress (Juergensmeyer,
1978:191). And third, despite these changes
Radhasoami retained the sort of mystical practices
for which Westerners were hungering. By 1970 one
Radhasoami branch alone had established 120 centers
in 40 countries; U.S. offshoots soon included such popular
groups as Eckankar and Ruhani Satsang, as well as DLM
(Juergensmeyer, 1978:190,193; Mangalwadi, 1977: l91ff).
DLM was founded in India by Shri Hans Ji Maharaj who,
despite the usual successional disputes, assumed leadership
of his particular Radhasomi lineage upon his guru's
death and became Satguru ("true guru") (Mangalwadi, 1977:
192). His son, known variously as "Sant Ji," "Balyogeshwar"
("born lord of the yogis") and "Guru Maharaj Ji," came to
Europe and the United States at the age of thirteen. Guru
Maharaj Ji's arrival coincided with the crest of the New
Religious Movements wave of enthusiasm; followers appeared
quickly and soon formed a network of centers in the United
States and Europe (Downton, 1979; Pilarzyk, 1978; Price,
Charisma in Sant Mat / Radhasoami / DLM tradition can
best be understood in terms of darshan for which,
according to Bharati, "absolutely no parallel" can be found
"in any religious act in the West . . . " (1970:161, cited
in Eck, 1981:5). Darshan means "sight" - of the deity
or the guru who embodies him/her, usually for the purpose of
imbibing his/her divine powers or grace (Babb, 1981;
Eck:1981). It implies sight on a rich multiplicity of
symbolic and spiritual levels which demonstrate a complex
mix of doctrinal and mythic, perceptual and visionary,
interactional and experiential dimensions in the
relationship between a charismatic spiritual leader and his
or her followers.
Darshan is intimately related to what Lane
describes as "three cardinal precepts" of Sant Mat
1 ) Satguru, both as the Absolute Lord (nirguna)
and the living human master (saguna):
2) Shabd (sound or melody), which encompasses both
that which is spoken or written and inner or spiritual sound
which is beyond expression, the primal current of the
Supreme Lord; and
3) Satsang, the congregation of earnest devotees of
the truth (l981:12).
Satguru is the one who is seen in darshan;
shabd provides the spiritual method for perceiving
darshan; and in satsang devotees exchange
"darshan stories." (10)
With minor modifications these ideas have also guided
Radhasoami and DLM.
Theologically, Satguru exemplifies the Hindu
concept of the Absolute as both with and without form. As
living human master Satguru does not merely represent
the Absolute Lord, but Satguru is that Lord's form,
or embodiment, or incarnation: (11)
simultaneously, even as he sits before the devotees in the
form of a living master, Satguru is also "non-dual,
un-namable, and formless" (Lane, 1981:12). To Kabir, this
Lord's "form is love" and "all light'' [Tagore, 1977:1
13,75). Radhasoami means "Absolute Lord," whose form
" . . . is without limits and beyond description. To what
could I compare it? It is beyond all measure." (Singh,
1976:2:35-6, cited in Babb, 1981:390). Guru Maharaj Ji
sometimes described this "Lord" or "God" as impersonal
energy, at other times as the creator.
Devotees do not distinguish conceptually between formless
and human manifestations of Satguru, for the goal is
to perceive darshan of both at once. One must learn
to see the formless Satguru via the master's physical
form just as - in a favorite example used by Guru Maharaj Ji
- Krishna on the battlefield suddenly revealed to his
disciple Arjuna.
His transcendent, divine Form, speaking from innumerable
mouths, seeing with myriad
eyes, of many marvellous aspects . . ., annointed with
perfumes of heavenly fragrance,
full of revelations, resplendent, boundless, of ubiquitous
regard (Prabhavanda and Isherwood, 1951:92).:E
Thus, the devotee can "now see his guru as he truly is;
that is, as the Supreme Being." (Babb, 1981:390).
The quest for darshan can begin with either of two methods.
If one starts by seeking darshan of the formless Satguru,
one meditates, while darshan of the human Satguru involves a
ritual encounter.
To devotees, darshan of the Absolute Lord brings salvation;
for Kabir, " . . . he who has seen that radiance of love, he
is saved" (Tagore, 1977:57). "He who has seen Him and
touched Him, he is freed from all fear and trouble"
(1977:113). And so Kabir longed endlessly to see this
Absolute Lord: "I have no taste for food, I have no sleep;
my heart is ever restless within doors and without . . .
Kabir is restless: he is dying for sight of Him" ( 1977:
82-3). This vision is not easily attained; the human Satguru
must teach it. Eck has written in her study of darshan that
in Hinduism, "God is eminently visible, although human
beings have not always had the refinement of sight to see"
(1981:78). It is Satguru as living master who teaches Sant
mat / Radhasoami / DLM devotees this "refinement of sight."
In Radhasoami tradition, "salvation cannot be attained
without contact with a sant satguru. The complete centrality
of the guru is probably the single most important point of
Radhasoami doctrine." The Satguru's ultimate power lies in
his ability to teach "an esoteric form of spiritual exercise
known as surat-shabd-yoga, which was given to humanity by
the Supreme Being, which incarnated himself in human form in
order to impart it" (Babb, 1981:388). Devotees use shabd,
the practice of inner sound, in their spiritual journey.
This journey begins, however, with their human master's
darshan, visualized within:
(The devotee) first takes his "seat" at the tisra til
("third eye"); there he has darshan of his guru. He sees a
flame and hears the sound of a conch and bell. His spirit is
caught by the current of shabd, and in the company of his
guru he is pulled upward . . .
. . . the universe, and especially the guru, come to be
"seen" in a new and spiritually significant way. The devotee
begins by seeing the familiar form of the guru, . . . At the
end of the journey he has the darshan of Radhasoami himself,
the object of his pilgrimage ....This is the fulfilling
darshan, and the devotee has now cone to the end of his
journey (Babb, 1981: 389-390).
As spiritual descendent of the Radhasoami tradition, Guru
Maharaj Ji taught very similar ideas and practices to his
Western followers. He was Satguru, or "Perfect Master;"
only his power could initiate one into Knowledge, which
alone among spiritual methods could reveal God. He
identified the internal objects of meditation "revealed at
the Knowledge initiation - divine light, music, nectar, and
Word or Holy Name" (Downton, 1 979:146-8) - with Kabir's
ecstatic descriptions of "millions of suns and moons and
stars" (Tagore, 1977:138), "Unstruck Music," "the ocean of
sweetness" (1977:62), the "Primal Word`' (1977:136). Though
both music and Word resembled the Sant Mat / Radhasoami
shabd, he emphasized the breath-associated Word, which he
sometimes called Shabd Brahma, as "an unspeakable vibration
that's keeping us alive" (Downton, 1979:147-8).
Meditating on Knowledge two or more hours a day - and a
few frequently meditated all night - allowed those of Guru
Maharaj Ji's followers who could achieve the necessary
intense concentration indeed to have these experiences,
often dramatically: the Word was like a "wave" or an "atom
bomb," the nectar like "electricity," the divine light
blinding, sometimes even with open eyes (DuPertuis,
1983:87). Sharing of meditation experiences was encouraged,
and others stood by quick to interpret them as
manifestations of Knowledge. (14)
Over time those who experienced little in meditation drifted
away, along with those who doubted (Downton, 1979:147).
For those who remained, their beliefs were continually
reconfirmed not only by their own and others' meditation
experience, but also by visions of Guru Maharaj Ji which
often accompanied meditation, darshan dreams of the guru,
and prayers to him "answered" both in meditation and through
events of daily life.
Increasingly referred to in spatial terms - "that place,"
"Guru Maharaj Ji's world," even "the valley of astonishment"
(DuPertuis, 1983:84) - reminiscent of the "abode of
Radhasoami," meditational experience was more and more
closely associated with Guru Maharj Ji's presence, or
darshan. But meditational darshan of the Guru as the
Absolute did not always mean "sight" in the usual sense of a
perception trichotomized as the seer, the act of seeing, and
the seen. Dwelling in "Guru Maharaj Ji's world" transcended
the separation implied by "sight." For the person who went
to "Guru Maharaj Ji's world" was not the ordinary self but
an essence of attention purified of extraneous thought,
trained with long practice, capable of intensive
concentration, feeling so different from ordinary
preoccupied consciousness that to followers it was not self,
or "ego," at all, but "truth," or "reality," or "Guru
Maharaj Ji within." (16)
And that essence did not perceive as the "ego" perceives:
that essence became one with divine light, or music, or the
Word. In DLM argot one "merged:"
All of a sudden you just merge with everything that is
and you realize that you're just a part of it, and that
there is that power, that energy that sustains the entire
universe and it sustains yourself and it sustains me and in
the experience of that, in the power of it, in the beauty of
it it's just a very uplifting very enlightening a very
freeing experience and a humbling experience because it's so
vast, it's so overpowering, yet it just feels so beautiful
because you're merging, you're completely connected to the
entire creation and in that realization you experience
freedom, you experience joy, you experience the infinite
(DuPertuis, 1983:888).
Thus, darshan in its fullest, ultimate sense occurred when
Satguru who dwelt within became conscious of Satguru as
Absolute, and self vanished. This became the aim of the
ritual of darshan as well.
When one eighteenth-century Sant Mat Satguru tramped with
muddy feet over gold-embroidered silk garments laid out to
dry, his devotees, "lost in love and devotion of their
Master, did not mind at all, in fact, they were delighted."
They told I him, "Nothing has been spoiled. Rather you have
blessed us with your darshan" (Lane, 1981 :21). Similarly,
quests for Guru Maharaj Ji's physical darshan required
tremendous sacrifices by his followers, which dominated
their social and economic lives. Except for a select few
personal attendants, most devotees were offered darshan only
at "festivals," held during the 1970's several times a year
in Europe, the U.S., and South America. As "festivals" were
frequently announced at short notice - sometimes within just
a few days - and could involve thousands of miles of travel
four, five, even up to ten times a year, many devotees found
themselves unable to hold regular, full-time jobs. Those who
were not already marginal to the society (see Downton, 1979,
on their social origins) quickly became so. They also
sacrificed community and leisure activities to the
all-consuming necessity of earning enough money to travel to
" festivals. " Among Radhasoami devotees recently researched
by Babb, "When one sees a true guru one feels a surge of
spiritual emotion inside. Thus, when a guru passes by, his
followers gaze at him in hopes of provoking inner
experiences. When Maharaj Charan Singh (Satguru of the Beas
subsect) visits Delhi, thousands of devotees obtain his
darshan by filing by his seat in ten continuously moving
lines" (Babb,1981:388). Films of DLM darshan lines for Guru
Maharaj Ji or his father made in India during the 1960's
show a crowd of devotees pushing and shoving, ducking down
to touch thc holy feet as best they can. Western devotees
reorganized the ritual by lining up the devotees beforehand,
seating Guru Maharaj Ji higher up so his feet, now at chest
level, would be quicker to kiss. They even experimented:
once they had two lines, one passing by each foot; and once
they set Guru Maharaj Ji ,and j his throne on a jeep which
drove slowly by two miles of lined-up devotees. They finally
settled on a long, cloth-draped blue tunnel through which
devotees could file silently, leaving the world's mentality,
stepping into the divine route to their guru's presence.
The moment of entering the darshan tunnel was rehearsed
in many meditations, when thoughts had to be stilled and
"ego" abandoned in order to enter "Guru Maharaj Ji's world."
Now, on the verge of encountering the center of their
spiritual and mundane efforts, every devotee concentrated
almost as if death were at hand and prayed intensely,
fearing "to be before Maharaj Ji . . . and not to feel it,
not to brush that curtain aside and enter his kingdom . . .
To be in his presence, and still feel a separation . . .
That is almost too much to bear" (Divine Times [DT]:
11/77:8). Darshan loomed not just as a reunion with the
cosmic lover, but almost as a spiritual test, of which one's
power of spiritual seeing was only the first step.
Dressed in their best, barefoot in a gesture of humble
surrender and bearing gifts to suggest the offering of self,
each person struggled to attain a meditative stillness
within - "Just a few minutes more, Lord. Let me really get
into Holy Name" (DT, 8/ 75 :5) - and struggled to silence
nervous mutterings of anticipation. Waiting when the line
stopped moving, devotees would close their eyes; some
already deeply meditative were "prodded to move ahead
because we forgot where we were, floating somewhere,
floating . . . " (DT, 9/78:5-6).
To those who had entered a meditative mode of perception
even before they reached him, the guru appeared superhuman
and seemed to shine:
He looked enormous. I thought he was the largest person I
have ever seen. I have a dim memory of trying to walk and
figure out how he could be so big at the same time. I
couldn't do that either. I floated (DT, 3/79:20)
There was Maharaj Ji, radiating so much that you felt you
almost needed sunglasses to look at him (DT, 11/77:8)!
In him they perceived wondrous qualities and powers: "There
was just wisdom oozing out of every pore in his body . . .
There was a confidence, a power, an energy, that really
touched me, that commanded and demanded my respect"
(DuPertuis, 1983:214). They were overwhelmed by love:
. . . he was just so glorious. He was so beautiful. He
was just so powerful; broad shoulders and his black, shiny
hair was just blowing in the wind and - OH! He was
incredible! . . . beyond anything. But so beautiful (DT,
Those who had entered very deep meditation already began to
glimpse the Satguru as formless Absolute, particularly as
In the span of a few seconds of our being near Him, I'd
see Him as infinite light and infinite vibration and the
next minute he'd be my best friend (DuPertuis,
I started hallucinating, everything started moving. I felt
like I was on a psychedelic, . . . and then the whole stage
just became white light - I just couldn't see anything. I
was completely disoriented, but I just felt so much love
that it's almost too intense, and I just couldn't take it .
. . The whole stage was melting, and I couldn't even see
Guru Maharaj Ji (DuPertuis 1983:221).
Having seen the guru the next test arose, for now the
devotee could be seen by him. Guru Maharaj Ji was said to
know each devotee intimately, to have described to one
overwhelmed woman the outfits she had worn through the last
several darshan lines, when she had thought he didn't know
her name (DuPertuis, 1983:218).
Now the moment of communication was at hand, when the guru
simultaneously appeared as cosmic force and responsive
human, as "at once lion and friend and brother and teacher
and dove and eagle and savior and ocean and sky and breath
and mirror and gentle lover and ruthless truth unmasking my
every weakness" (DT, 11/ 77:8). Approaching near, the
encounter would begin in a language of silent glances.
Devotees felt that the guru's eyes challenged, taught,
purified, that before his gaze no lie, no impurity, no
hesitation could be hidden. Yet he was never said to judge;
he was a "perfect mirror" reflecting back one's own state.
"He doesn't care about those aspects but it's the pure
section in us that He is paying attention to" (DuPertuis,
1983:218). Each devotee longed for his direct glance, or
even a smile, the reward of perfect unselfconsciousness:
And if I go through the Darshan line just loving, and not
looking that desperately for Maharaj Ji to look at me,
that's when Maharaj Ji can really look at me, can really
smile at me, because where my Master is, I am not, and where
I am, my Master is not (DuPertuis, 1983:2 17).
The highest hope was to lose oneself in his gaze:
When you look into his eyes, it's like looking down a
long long corridor. Time and distance disappear (DuPertuis,
1983:218). He looks with a look that is no look. I cannot
explain it. It has no recognizable attribute. It is blank, a
sky with no clouds, no definition, no shape, no duration. I
cannot tell when it starts and cannot tell when it stops. If
infinity had an eye maybe that would explain it (DT,
The ultimate test of darshan, however, was surrender of
self, when the devotee was "wafted into that eternal
millisecond at his feet, touching him now" (DT 9/78:56),
kissing his feet. When one offered oneself fully these feet
could purify: according to the Indian devotional "Arati"
hymn they sang twice daily, "Nectar from Satguru's feet / Is
so holy and it cleans us of our sins" (DuPertuis, 1983:215).
Indeed, devotees frequently reported feeling something like
an electric current upon touching the feet, or a psychedelic
"rush," or an overwhelming flood of love. Beyond even
purification, the guru's feet offered the final possibility
of liberation. (18)
For there one could "merge" at last: one of the Arati hymn's
final lines pleads, "Please let me come home / Find my rest
at your Feet" (DuPertuis, 1983:216). And afterward, ecstatic
peace: "Lifted along. Floating away, away but not really
away, just flouting. Silently. Only Breath inside of us,
exploding silently, eternally" (DT, 9/78:5-6).
A "Darshan recovery area" awaited those who fainted. It
was staffed with nurses and doctors who would watch them,
perhaps for hours, until normal wakefulness would return.
From them one would later hear of worlds of swirling light,
or a bodiless, perfect realm.
Darshan of the living master thus emerged in the context
of darshan of the Absolute. Meditation on the Absolute
taught the devotee a way of seeing which, when applied in
the darshan' ritual, led from the perception of Satguru as
separate physical entity to a sense of internal union with
him so strong that the distinction between the physical form
and the formless Absolute disappeared: the devotee no longer
cared and indeed sometimes did not even know whether or not
he had left the master's physical presence.
If properly perceived physically, darshan could act as a
bridge to deepen experiences of the Absolute. If not, a
devotee's life could be thrown into confusion. Much depended
on a fulfilling experience which, while considered a gift of
"Guru Maharaj Ji's grace" (Foss and Larkin, 1978), also
clearly depended on the "grace of one's own efforts" at
practicing stillness of mind, concentration, "surrender" of
the sense of self-separateness, and meditative perception of
other people and mundane objects. Yet such practice was
extremely difficult; DLM life was fast-paced and chaotic
(Collier, 1978). And even when one attained ecstacy in
darshan, anguish arose when the awareness faded and "ego"
reemerged realizing the guru was far away.
The miserable longing DLM devotees would feel for Guru
Maharaj Ji's "presence" - both physical and meditative - can
hardly be overstated. When individual meditative efforts
wavered, their one recourse lay in learning to generate
Satguru's darshan with one another gathered in satsang, the
charismatic community of devotees.
Through satsang, devotees tried to recreate the idealized
interaction which tool: place between devotee and Satguru in
darshan. Formal satsang gatherings recalled the times when
Guru Maharaj Ji actually spoke to the crowd at "festivals."
Speakers would take turns testimonializing, trying to let
Satguru speak "through" them: "Every time I have this
opportunity to share satsang, I really never plan anything.
. . Before I give satsang, inside I just say 'Guru Mahara;
Ji it's all Yours' " (Humdinger, 9/77). To do this they
simply tried to meditate:
The key to the clear and effective presentation of
satsang is the peaceful centering within meditation, and
being without perception. The key is to trust the reality of
the communion of the Knowledge which lies within the
spontaneous and ever-creative expression of the WORD
(Crozier, 1974).
Listeners, meanwhile, concentrated intently on the
speaker's eyes, trying to "feel" that point through which
Satguru was speaking, until his "energy," sometimes visible
to open eyes as divine light, began to engulf them:
. . . (The devotee) was startled to see `light' emanating
from the young woman who was delivering Satsang. He
described the light as surrounding her like a glowing golden
halo which gradually extended to fill the room and finally
seemed to enter his body, giving him a frank sense of
"uniting with the Divine presence." Time seemed to "stand
still" during this episode (Buckley and Galanter, 1979:283).
Satsang in informal dyads recreated that moment in darshan
when guru and devotee gazed into one another's eyes. Gazing
at each other, devotees would talk
about the guru and meditative experience in hushed tones and
monitor each others' attention to increase concentration
until they began to sense the guru's "presence". This took
precedence over practical matters in their routine daily
interactions so that hours might go by waiting for the
"vibe" to be "right" before making a decision or taking
action (DuPertuis, 1983: ch.8). As vehicles of darshan
mundane interactions were thus sacralized; followers imputed
charisma to the mere fact of their being together, and
practiced the same sort of conscious, meditative methods
used in darshan to make it perceptible.
The three aspects of darshan discussed - of Satguru as
Absolute, as living master, and within the community of
devotees - suggest the imputation of charisma on three
interrelated levels. The master in person emerged both
theologically and experientially as neither the sole focus
nor the unique generator of charisma. Rather he represented
a conceptual link which defined and integrated a diffuse set
of experiences. Continued adherence to this religion
depended on acceptance of this linkage of experiences as
well as continued meditational efforts to achieve them.
In Western cultural settings, the meditational and
ecstatic experiences which Guru Maharaj Ji introduced were
novel to many new adherents (Buckley and Galanter, 1978),
who had to create a new vocabulary - drawn from Sanskrit,
psychedelic culture, and "psychobabble" - even to discuss
them. (20)
As contemporary theology failed to offer an interpretation
of these experiences, Guru Maharaj Ji's claims for their
uniqueness and ultimacy faced little competition at first.
But rival gurus soon appeared, and when the surrounding
society, nurtured on traditional psychology's negative views
of religious ecstacy and sociology's distrust of
authoritarianism, became critical, DLM withdrew into
introversionism. Several years of practice and much satsang
among followers strengthened their competence in meditation
and confidence in its results, leading for many to
increasingly confirming darshan experiences and deeper
belief in Guru Maharaj Ji as Satguru. But at the same time,
this increased competence led many others, who tired of the
restrictions and eccentricities of DLM life, to discover
that they had learned to "experience God'' on their own and
had little further need of Guru Maharaj Ji as spiritual
interpreter or guide. They thus drifted away not in
disillusionment but in fulfillment.
The very effort involved in learning to recognize charisma,
then, often led to a diminishing interest in doing so.
The assertion made here, that the imputation of charisma
is an active, conscious, changing process which at least in
religious settings involves non-cognitive modes of
perception, could be tested easily by careful observation,
intensive interviewing and perusal of movements'
publications. But students of New Religious Movements have
shown little interest in the phenomenology of specific
spiritual or mystical experiences. Those who refrain from
reducing them away altogether usually gloss them over with
vague references to "classic" (usually Christian) analyses
of mysticism, falsely assuming a trans-historical and
trans-cultural uniformity and monotony. Transpersonal
psychologists, who attempt such phenomenology, miss social
components by restricting the unit of analysis to individual
minds. Thus a valuable chance to observe at first hand the
social dimensions of New Religious Movement spiritual
practices is being lost. Preston's ( 1981, 1982) exceptional
analysis of the part learning to meditate plays in
conversion to Zen provides an example of what could be done.
And Strauss (1981) suggests a framework for organizing
future research of this kind.
(these notes are part of the original
1. Arguments against the social disruption
theory arise from definitional dilemnas: "routine'' (Weber,
1922, 1964) or ''attenuated and dispersed'' (Shils, 1968,
1965) charisma is recognized during periods of stability as
well as disruption.
2. Sometimes organizational modification
follows societal labeling und becomes secondary deviation.
Extreme manipulationist viewpoints argue for a
"brainwashing" model of charismatic recognition (Conway und
Siegelman, 1978; Beckford, 1983).
3. Charismatic Ieaders are portrayed
sometimes as passive and determined, sometimes as acting
according to their own choosing; contrast Bainbridge and
Stark`s (1979) "psychopathology" and "entrepreneur" models
of charismatic Ieadership.
4. Cultures can value the recognition of
charisma either where charisma serves magical ends or where
it is segregated from the larger sociely in institutions
like monasteries.
5. Although Weber suggests that "Charisam can
only be 'awakened' and 'tested'; it cannot be 'learned' or
'taught' " (1922:249), he nevertheless refers his reeder to
a chapter on "the charismatic type of education'' (
1922:249) which, unfortunately, he never wrote. In other
words Weber recognized the use of specific methods for use
in the cultivation of charismatic recognition. When prophets
establish charismatic authority, over and against
established authority, "It is the duty of those subject to
charismatic authority to recognize its genuineness and to
act accordingly". (l922:242) This duty of recognition
carries sanctions (1922:244), and may be inspired by means
of training and discipline (1922:1149).
6. For analyses of conversion as a process,
see Lofland and Stark, (1965) and Preston (1981 and
7. Robbins, et al. (1978) delineation of
two-level charismatic movements suggests that recognition is
only a beginning, which can and should be deepened for the
sake of more profound spiritual experience or salvation.
8. This conception of religious beliefs and
practices as parts of a process affecting and affected by
social events frees it from the exclusively individual focus
traditionally used by phenomenology and transpersonal
psychology. Even subtle meditative practices may be taught
and coached. And even if the struggle to master disciplines
and overcome doubts takes place individually, teaching,
encouragement, and rituals of recognition and commitment are
social processes. Further, as analyses of charismatic
communities suggest, special communion of followers with one
another may be a discipline designed to enhance recognition
of the leader's charisma (Weber, 1922; Zablocki. 1980;
Kanter, 1972).
9. The group no longer officially uses this
name nor all the practices and Sanskrit names used here:
thus I have presented it in the past tense. This research is
based on seven years' observation and participation between
1972 and 1979; it provided the basis for my doctoral
10. See section below on "Darshan via the
Community of Devotees."
11. Various branches of Radhasoami have
argued about the incarnationalism of Satguru (Lane, 1981).
Guru Maharaj Ji has accepted it and identifies with Krishna
and other incarnations of Vishnu.
12. Guru Maharaj Ji modified Radhasoami
theology by identifying himself with great masters of all
religions. Thus not only did he hint that he had been
Krishna and Ram and Buddha, but among others, Christ and
Mohammed as well. (In this he followed a common neo-Hindu
practice of trying to universalize Hindu theology). He did
not object when his followers persisted further by
identifying him with all these saviors as they had been
predicted to return: Kalki the tenth incarnation of Vishnu;
Jesus Christ's second coming; the Buddha Matreiya; and the
tenth Imam of Shiite Islam.
13. He found parallels in scriptures of
other religions: most notably, he claimed his Word was the
same as "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). The DLM had
started this practice, however, before Guru Maharaj Ji went
to the West.
14. Other traditions interpret such
experiences differently. Buddhism, for example, instructs
practitioners to ignore them.
15. Some interpreted divine light as a
meaningless physiological reaction (Cohen, 1975:64), drug
flashbacks, or even an insidious Satanic presence (Boa,
16. See Downton (1979:155-6) for other
interpretations and implications of this identity
17. This is consistent with the Hindu notion
that liberation occurs when one realizes the identity of the
divine spark within (Atman) with the all-pervasive Absolute
18. In one devotee's eyes, "His feet are
just above it all. If we cling to those lotus feet then we,
too, are able to just be out of the heaviness of this world
. . . It's beyond any experience that the world has to
offer" (DT, 11/77:31).
19. This episode actually occurred to a
devotee before he received Knowledge and learned to
meditate. Nevertheless, it is typical of devotee's
experiences both before and after initiation.
20. For DLM followers in India,
surrounded by Hindu culture and well aw;are of Sant Mat /
Radhasoami practices in particular, this was almost
certainly not the case. Further research is needed to
deterrmine how the impact of learning meditative and
mystical practices differs between cultures knowledgeable
about and/or receptive to them, and cultures which are
21. This may help to explain why DLM
communities disintegrated in the early 198O`s, and why its
occasional festivals, if still well attended, became
considerably more subdued.
(not online yet)