Indian Background Index


Letters to the Site

Elan Vital? this is a new one on me it sounds like a mineral water. I
received the 'knowledge' in 1972 and there is no doubt in my mind that prem
pal singh is a fraud. I saw the light after the 1974 festival in Denmark, in
1978 after the family split I went to visit his eldest brother in India who
told me about the deliberate choosing of the youngest son after sri Hans
died, the story of fat boy hearing his fathers voice telling him he was the
next sat guru is just that. I could tell of so many lives fucked up by this
bastard and more than one suicide but what would be the point. I just hope
the fat fucker rots in hell, Jai sat chit anand

September 24, 1999.
Mon cher jean-Michel,
I like your site a lot. I think the stuff about Radhasoami is absolutely sensational.
I read it some years ago and it broke some old programming I didn't know I still had.
Ton amie dans la verite non-conditionee (?)


September 12, 1999.
I just wanted to thank you for making "Soul Rush" available to us. I
just finished it and couldn't stop reading. I found it valuable in
several ways, both as information and an aid to me emotionally. I came
to respect the opinion of the writer, even at her young age and learned
much about the very beginnings of DLM and the whole trip and thru her
writing. I could peek into the reasons why people became personally
involved and some of their related emotions. I came to conclusions
about Maharaji as well. It was helpful to read in another place (other
than the which can be quite biased) about M's drinking.
The book really helped me to come to peace with myself re: Knowledge and
Maharaji. I think I'm able to piece the whole evolution of DLM, EV
since reading the book. I've come to my own conclusions. These past 6
months have been hellish for me at times, the breaking down of my belief
system re: spirituality and the falling out of love with Maharaji.
Though my practice of meditation is sporadic, it still has been good for
me, as it always was. That hasn't changed, thank goodness! I have come
to admit to myself that Maharaji isn't all I thought he was, but I guess
I still feel positive toward him. My view of him now is as a person
born into a situation that he came to use and exploit to his benefit. I
am one of those, though, who sees him as a partial victim in that he was
robbed of a normal childhood and in some ways, dealt with his situation
as best he could. Maybe he should have resigned when Mishler discussed
it with him, but his personal way of coping was to continue with what he
has always known, something very common to people. I also really
believe that though he may have misled many people into making poor life
decisions in the 70's, he has pretty much stayed out of people's lives
since. And, I am one who does get a lot from the meditation and I know
others who do, too. Now I am in no way saying he is a saint, I am
finally able to see some of his personal shortcomings, but I can not see
him as all bad, either. What has changed most for me was my view of him
as a wiseman and spiritually above all others in the world (but not
God), I don't view him as that at all. But, I still find myself
believing along the Eastern lines of thought and think maybe teaching
meditation is his darma, his purpose. Maybe it would actually be more
ethical to just announce it as a product for a price and he as the
salesman, which maybe is more the reality of the matter.
Basically, I am very far from where I started 6-7 months ago, but my
Lord has not become my Satan, either.
I wish you all the best and I do feel that you are providing a service
to the public by having all the information available.

(Name withheld)


July 24, 1999.
Receive my deep respect for the outstanding, wonderfully well documented work that you have done.
Exactlly the material I was looking for & reflecting my own understanding of what 'Master' is doing.


May 8, 1999.
I have just viewed your site with interest. I agree with a lot of what
you say. I received knowledge 19 years ago. Even from the beginning I
thought a lot of what some premies said was utter crap, even some of the
things that Marahji said was too. Marahji has said that he is no
different to anyone else and that he is prone to believing unfounded
concepts like the rest of us. He states that the only time he is free
from all concepts is when he is experiencing knowledge. I have
practiced the meditation nearly every day for nineteen years, sometimes
I feel a `bit peaceful` sometimes not, but four times in these nineteen
years I have experienced such an incredibly beautiful experience that if
I only ever experienced it once I would count myself to be extremely
fortunate. The ultimate insight!
I have known many people who have received knowledge and experienced
maybe a little peace who then never meditated again believing that that
was all it was. I am so glad that I percevered. The parable of the
sower is very apt.
I agree with you that there are many `teachers` of meditation and
Marahaji is but one, but there is only one knowledge and it can be
experienced to differing degrees.
I research and lecture in evolutionary biology and evolutionary
psychology and I am very knowledgeable in these areas simply because I
have practiced for thirty five years. This is what it sometimes takes
to be educated/knowledgeable to this degree .
I wish you all the best, J. S.


April 18, 1999.
Excellent site! Do you know if it's possible to obtain a copy of the
1971 LOTU movie. I saw this film in Amsterdam in 1972 and have been
curious about it ever since, because of the impact that it had on me at
the time.
Are you also responsible for the french version that is linked to the
ex-premie org site? It contains information that I'm sure would be
interesting if it was translated in english. ***


March 29, 1999.
Just so you know my name is***, and I post on the forum under the pseudonym "***". I live in ***.
Thanks for all the work you've done... I've especially enjoyed the "Indian Background " material. Back last November when I first discovered the forum and the ex premie site, I spent alot of time at yours. I found it fascinating to begin to see m and his cult in a more realistic historical perspective. Your work to make that possible has been quite amazing .
Well you've got me curious now... whatever it is ... you can e-mail me at: ***
I look forward to hearing from you, and I'll be glad to give you my feed back, whatever it may be, on what you're sending my way.
Merci, a bien tot


February 26, 1999.
I think you've created a great internet page with lots of interesting
data. It's great that this is available in the public domain. However,
some of the larger articles such as 'Hans Yog Prakash' really need to be
printed out to be read. Can you add compressed (ie zipped) links to the
page so people can download them quicly in a format that can be easily
printed out. I can do this for you if your computer knowledge is not
good enough.
Thanks for the time and effort you've put in.
Tom G.


November 22, 1998.
Your web site has been added to AFF Information About Cults And Psychological Manipulation web site.
Please contribute to our preventive education aims by informing students, teachers, and schools of the Student Journalist Contest and resources.
A link to education, the foundations of prevention.
"Link to Education"
AFF Student Study Guides a valuable collection of cultic studies and related educational resources. Examples of topics include recruitment, intervention, hypnosis, influence, and persuasion.
"Link of Prevention"
AFF's Student Journalist Contest web site URL is:
Thank you for your assistance.

AFF is a secular, not-for-profit, tax-exempt research center and educational organization founded in 1979.
AFF's mission is to study psychological manipulation and cultic groups, to educate the public and professionals, and to assist those who have been adversely affected by a cult experience.
AFF encourages research and writing on the cult phenomenon. AFF publications and preventive education resources promote research-based and balanced study of cultic groups and psychological manipulation.


July 22, 1998.
This is VP. I just wanted to let you know how much I
appreciate everything that you have done for the
site.  I also like your own site a lot, too.  I was
reading the quotes from M last night.  It was so
amazing to read them again (after all this time) and
think about what most of the premies on the site have
to say about what M is all about these days. The two
of them just don't make any sense.  When did you stop
working with (FOR) M?

Indian Background Index