Peace Tour Report |
ARE not," said a stern Heathrow Airport official, "playing
their bells, conches, flutes or horns in the arrival
building." Garlanded When
the mini Guru, hardly 5ft. tall and wearing a plain white
robe, came through Customs his devotees fell at his feet and
garlanded him with carnations. 13-day visit But
Charles passed the questions on to a white-robed Indian who
said that the young Guru came from Heaven. But if you were
talking about his body that, in fact, came from the
7-8 |
Straight from Heaven . . . the boy THlS
was a moment of supreme joy for these worshippers yesterday
. . . the moment when they gathered together to welcome a
boy they call "A Lord from Heaven." Garlands They
fell in homage at his feet. They threw garlands of
carnations round his neck. They smothered him with petals
taken from a massive sack. Pictures
13-YEAR -OLD A 13-YEAR-OLD boy told an audience in Exeter yesterday : "I can give everybody the inner concentration of mind that everyone in the world is searching for." Guru
Maharaj Ji; whose followers say he was born to bring God
into men's heart's, added: "I know the technique by which
you can obtain the inner concentration, the peace of mind.
If people come to me I can tell them the supreme technique
so that they can find the supreme joy". Show you God One,
a young Englishman, said the Guru " is able to give you the
direct knowledge of how to go within yourself and find your
Creator. He can say without any hesitation "Come to me and I
will show you God".
11 Divine
Light Mission Dear Friends, It
fills my heart with indescribable joy to convey the divine
message of my Holy Master who is at present only thirteen
years old, yet he is a fully realized soul of the time. A
born Saint, he began delivering discourses on the importance
of the human body and meditation at the age of 21/2 to large
assemblies. On July 21, 1966 a great Master, Shri Hans Ji
Maharaj, passed away. He was the father of four sons, each
born to fulfil the duties of destiny. The youngest son, Shri
Sant Ji Maharaj, was at this time 8 years old. While all
gave themselves up to despair at the loss of their Master,
Shri Sant Ji remained calm and serene. All wondered at his
behavior. Finally he went before the crowd at the funeral
ceremony and delivered a discourse which marked the
beginning of his spiritual command as Satguru, the Perfect
Master. He said, "Why do you weep for the body of a man? 0
foolish people! How little you understand this Knowledge if
you think the soul to be perishable like the body. The
Master is always with you. I am here, the same, only my form
is different, and I have come in this young form to spread
the Knowledge of Divine Light and the imperishable Word of
God to the whole world."
14-17 "Eight spokes from the centre of this wheel By
using these faculties to know Identify
the self with the Real, In seeing, see Light, By
these eight experiences of the Real, When
the Self is seen in His effulgent glory As
gold, purified by heating over fire If
one sits down Not many hear of Him, and of these The
Supreme path to Liberation is The
True Knowledge for the attainment If
one is fortunate enough to meet a Living Master The
True Teacher reveals our own true nature Mind
is like a mirror, which bas become clouded When
the inner self is purified by seeing The
Lord is easily known to one who The
True Master takes responsibility When
the world staggers Spiritual
masters come onto the earth They
baptized in spirit, All
the Great Masters were Or
he may be a human soul who bas realized fully We
should not concern ourselves over the question From
the beginning of mankind's history there has been The
Word cannot be uttered nor described. That
Word is the pure "song" of the soul within. The
Lord, through the Master gives us His Name, When
the time is right the True Master, Mahatma
Param. Saphalanand |
33-35 Balyogeshwar Shri Sant Ji Maharaj is a 13-year-old Indian guru-saint with 3 million disciples, a dime-store Frankenstein mask, the certainty he can put you face to face with God, a fondness for zapping people with a water pistol, a boundless love for all mankind and automobiles, except for one disciple's van in Los .Angeles that had sheepskins on the seats a stack of telegrams and letters addressed to Supreme Commander and Sweet Lord With Salutations at His Lotus Feet and so on, plus a set of walkie-talkies, one of which Sharon Kelly, a school-teacher disciple carries as she runs out of the house in Northwest Washington, screaming with laughter as she communicates with the Perfect Master in some zany routine about President Nixon. The Perfect Master is broadcasting from the sanctuary of the second floor, having minutes ago entered the house to a panic of prostrations in the living room. This is no commune or ashram or crash pad, though. It's a suburban middle-class living room with wall-to-wall shag carpet, African figurines and a baby grand piano with Schumann on the music stand. It's owned by the parents of one of the disciples, Joan Apter, 23. But today, Sept. 8, the guru is upstairs, on the last of his five-day stay, during which he spoke at All Souls Unitarian Church. It is not known if the guru will descend, or a visitor will ascend, or neither, for a meeting. Downstairs, the visitor is recovering from the clamor of bad vibrations that went off like a burglar alarm when it looked like he might plunk his tushie in, my God, the guru's favorite overstuffed chair. The guru spoke last year from a giant throne at India Gate, in New Delhi, to a reputed crowd of 1 million. He needs 1,000 apostles, called mahatmas, to lead and recruit his vast spiritual army. He's the son of a guru from Rishikesh, a region that has spawned holy men the way Appalachia has spawned stock car racers. According to Dava Lurie, 19, who says the guru told it to her himself, he was sitting alone, weeping, the day his father died in 1966, when suddenly a great light filled the room and a voice said to him: "You are the one to take the message to the whole world." He'd been getting in shape for years. At 18 months according to leaflets, the little guru would "wake up his father's disciples at 4 o'clock in the morning and tell them to meditate." At 3 he discoursed to thousands on union with God. At 6 he could do it in English, along with his native Hindi. Now, the disciples are gathering across the rug towards the newcomer (who elected to sit on the floor) to pass along the word of the Wordless Word. Their bodies tend to scrawniness, youth, and hair. Their eyes range from glitter to dream. "This is our last trip," says Arthur Brigham, 21, of Denver. He ran into the guru during a year-and-a-half in lndia, and helped organize the American tour now in progress. Balyogeshwar "He has given us his knowledge. We are in our last reincarnations. When we die, we will be liberated, become one with God. It will be like a drop of water that falls in the ocean. Can you take that same drop out again?" The "knowledge" is given in an initiation, in which aspirants are taught to "perceive the soul with all the senses, with total attachment," Brigham says. "It's the inner vibration that's in everything, the word of God." But the Word "cannot be pronounced, cannot be conceived by the mind. Only by the heart." It took most of the disciples in the living room at least three days of intense devotion to get ready to hear the Word. Learning the moral and ethical obligations of the Divine Light Mission, as the disciples call themselves, took no time at all. There aren't any. No commandments, no Laws of the Church, no vegetarian diet, no mantras or yoga postures; thou shalt have no commandments. One doesn't need them, one understands, when one has The Knowledge. One will grow away from wrongdoing by meditating on the Unsayable Word. In the initiation, however, which consists mostly of pep talk and explanation, the aspirants are asked to promise not to reveal the basic techniques for meditating on the Word. And to meditate every day, and attend the satsangs, or lectures. ("Don't use my name," says the woman who describes the initiation and promises. "I've only been in a couple of days and I don't know if you're supposed to tell about the promises or not.") The proposition that someone with The Knowledge might believe it his sacred duty to murder someone draws patient smiles from the crowd in the living room. The safeguard of .doubt is not necessary with The Knowledge. "I believe in it absolutely and completely," says Brigham, who has moved to the inside of the circle after correcting a few other disciples' minor errors. "When you see dawn you don't question it, do you? I believe that, spiritually, I am at the dawn." The Divine Light Mission meets the textbook qualifications for most basic religions: its experience is ineffable, its truth is self-evident, its secrets are reserved to initiates, and its leader, the guru, bears the total tidings of God. "The guru is such a high," exclaims Miss Curie with soft wonder. "Actually, the first time I saw him he just looked like a little kid to me. But I went down to L.A. to the ashram. The first day, I hated it. I wanted to go back to Big Sur. Everybody said stick around for another day, and then I started to see it. He left for Boulder (Colo.) and one day I fell apart, crying, weeping, praying to . . . I don't knew what I prayed to. Then his spirit came into me and it was such a rush . . ." Dan Toomey, 21, of Wilmington, was in Berkeley, Calif., "looking for a spiritual master" and getting ready "to split for L.A. when some guy, for no reason at all, gave me this poster about the Guru Maharaj Ji coming to Berkeley." No reason, oh Perfect Master? The only thing they can't tell you about him, it seems is whether he will make any more of an appearance this afternoon than a walkie-talkie broadcast. A large, pimply girl announces the guru has been notified he has a visitor, but he has replied only "Okay." Someone says the guru needs only seven more hours flying time to get his pilot's license. "The first landing he ever made was perfect." "I should hope so," says the woman, who travels with Toomey. They talk about the 1,000 American followers the guru has garnered; about the guru's large toy collection; The girl messenger re-enters the living room. She brings word from upstairs. "You may go up and knock on his door," she tells the visitor. "He may answer it. He may not." The burglar alarm vibes go off again. With the grace of cattle panicking in a thunderstorm, electrified disciples stamped up the shag-rugged stairs with the infidel visitor. They swirl around a locus of panic when somebody sees, my God, the visitor's sandals. A sizzle of whispers orders them removed. Everybody piles into a tiny study and readies tape recorders and obeisances. A mahatma, one whose job is to transmit The Knowledge (If the guru did it himself it would blow your mind," says Brigham) leans his shaved head through the door and says to the multitude: "He's in the bathroom. When he is finished he will come here." Ears perk for the sound of water rushing down a drain, perhaps. Then the door opens. Balyogeshwar (meaning "born Lord of the Yogis") Shri Sant Ji Maharaj walks in on patent-leather-booted lotus feet. Brigham scrambles to kiss them. Foreheads zoom toward the floor. The ignorant visitor stands up. The guru sits down in an overstuffed chair. He's a little kid. Smiling but grave at the same time, he looks like the kind of little kid about whom adults say:, "He should act like a little kid more." He wears white trousers and a white, shortsleeved shirt over a sleeveless undershirt. He has a round, brown, confident face. His black hair is parted on the right. He looks like a young, possibly bored Orson Welles. He wears an enormous underwater-type red and blue watch on his left wrist. He listens to questions and answers in the quick, high-pitched tones one links with both Indians and prepubescent boys. His hands dart and float like a classical pianist's. Why, for instance, does he preach no rules or commandments? (Forgetting about those initiation promises.) "You do not want to just polish the car, the outside. You want to work on the inside," he says. Does he fear his antics with Frankenstein masks and water pistols might cause people to take him lightly? "Those people who tell you those things do not see the real me. They are like those who stand in an automobile showroom and look only at the mirrors on the walls, not at the automobiles themselves."
41 |
48-48A Few Westerners have ever known quite what a guru is. As they understand it, a guru is supposed to be a person who is somehow religious, vaguely benign, mystical in some way and probably comes from India. Even this fumbling definition, however, leaves no room for a guru who announces his coming on a Transworld Airlines flight he calls his "silver steed," keeps a bodyguard and an appointments secretary, marks his papers "Top Sacred" and is only 13-years-old. Yet Balyogeshwar Sri Sant Ji Maharaj fills that description exactly. And on top of it, he claims to have three million followers around the world, including 2,000 mahatmas in India who call him master. In fact, he is now seeking more adherents on a three-month international tour which began in Hollywood and is taking him to New York, Washington, Canada and South Africa before winding up with a large rally in London on November 5. As for Guru Maharaj Ji's approach, it can best be described as giving a whole new meaning to the phrase "no-nonsense." He recently sat barefoot in Hollywood's Divine Light Mission, which overlooks the Hollywood Bowl, in a room decorated with dozens of postersize photographs and color drawings of himself: At his feet sat 40 or 50 shoeless visitors, two mahatmas and his bodyguard, all wrapt in somewhat puzzled concentration on his answers to their questions: Maharaj (beginning): "The aim and purpose of my life is to spread the knowledge of the true nature of the soul to humanity as a whole." Old gentleman (sitting cross-legged on the green carpet): "Then am I to regard you as the supreme mind of God and knowledge in this room?" Maharaj (innocently): "Me? Judge it in your own way." Second visitor (throwing himself on the carpet): "Give me the knowledge!" Maharaj: "I can't answer materialistic requests. Man has reached the apex of material prosperity while grossly neglecting spiritual evolution." Short-haired young man (yelling): "I'm tired of hearing theories! I want you to give me the knowledge, and I want it now!" Maharaj: "Why? Are you going someplace?" Unidentified man: "Anyone got a green Toyota? They're towing it away." Maharaj (beckoning): "Gary, Gary, green Toyota." To most of his Hollywood listeners, the 13-year-old guru's answers proved frustratingly difficult. He won about a dozen people to his way of thinking, and some went through a three-hour initiation to meditation and truth. MULTIPLY But it is not even clear just how the guru regards himself. He says he is spending his spare time writing a book which "will have the essence of all the scriptures," but he disclaims, somewhat ambiguously, that he is a god. "You'll give your devotion to God through me," he says. "I multiply it many times and then send it to Him." When he is specifically asked whether or not he considers himself a human, however, he pauses, as though figuring out the answer: "Yes, I am a human," he says, finally. "Hands, bone, lungs. But guru is greater than God because if you go to guru, guru will show you God." Maharaj Ji's history has been largely supplied by himself. He says he is the son of an Indian holy man who died when the boy was 8. He claims he began meditating with his father at 2 and at 6 delivered entire spiritual discourses in English in his native town of Dehra Dun in northern India. He stands 5-feet-tall and attends ninth grade at the English-language St. Joseph's Academy. Its principal, he says, has looked the other way while he is in America, missing classes. "Other children only study about these things," he says with a smile. "But Guru Maharaj Ji is getting practical experience." Whatever one may believe about the 13-year-old guru, it is clear, that he is without false modesty and that he has a considerable sense of humor. It is not clear, however, which quality was responsible for the announcement which preceded his arrival in America. "All brothers of love come to welcome Guru Maharaj Ji," it read. "He is coming in the clouds with great power and glory and his silver steed will drift down at 4 p.m. at Los Angeles International Airport. TWA Flight 761." Nor is Guru Maharaj Ji likely to supply the answer. For as one of his young followers at the Divine Light Mission said when Maharaj Ji's listeners pressed him for clarity: "Hey, c'mon, you can't coax knowledge out of the guru. You can't trick him or force him to give knowledge. I mean that's the vibes get. When he wants you to have it, you'll get it, and not before."
SUPER CAMEL A dromedary camel can run across the hot desert sands at about 10 miles an hour and can travel as far as 100 miles in a day.
LINCOLN'S BEARD Abraham Lincoln was the first President of the United States to wear a beard.
48D-48E |
Vanerne and Sandy Collier, A
picture of Balyogeshwar Shri Sant Ji Maharaj, |
THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD Guru Maharaj Ji, claimed by his followers to be the Lord of Love, Bringer of Peace, and Emperor of the Spiritual World, has taken up temporary residence at Golden Manor, Hanwell. Together with about 10 attendants. the young spiritual master moved into 2a Fernbank, Golden Manor, a detached luxury house in a quiet corner of Hanwell last week. He is the leader of a movement known as the Divine Light Mission, claimed to be the largest spiritual organisation in India today, and the fastest growing movement of any kind in the world. Maharaj Ji, whose full title is Balyogshwar Param Hans Satgurudev Shri Sant Ji Maharaj, has been acclaimed by his disciples since he was two years old, when his father, the former Maharaj Ji, died. At his father's funeral in India, where the movement started in 1961, the child is reputed to have addressed the mourners in Hindi, saying: "Why do you weep? Has not my father taught you the spirit is eternal?" Since then the Maharaj Ji has been at the head of an ever-growing movement, and has shown the "true Light" to thousands of his followers. FIRST BRANCH The first branch of the Divine Light Mission was opened in this country in 1969. The mission now has centres in Birmingham, Leicester, Loughborough, Nottingham, Southend, Exeter, Bristol, Inverness and Belfast. The mission's London headquarters are at Golders Green. The Maharaj Ji and his attendants are staying in Hanwell for only a few weeks before moving into new, larger headquarters in Camden Town. The teachings of the Guru transcend individual religions - he claims to demonstrate the Divine Light and the Word of God within each person who comes to him. He and his followers believe in one God, known by many different names, and worshipped in many different ways. His teachings depend not on blind faith, or belief but on true knowledge of God, which his followers claim they are shown through practical revelations. The atmosphere inside the house at Golden Manor is one of warmth and friendship. Groups of young people stand or sit on the floor, discussing everything from the weather to Divine Light itself. A large notice on the front door asks visitors to knock quietly, take off their shoes and place them neatly under the porch. Only the ground floor is for followers of the Maharaj Ji and for the constant stream arriving to hear the Word. The top floor is reserved for the use of the "young master" and his personal assistant. One of his followers who has seen the Light is 23-year-old Michael Finch, an Oxford graduate, who is reading physics at Exeter University. He said the movement has a following of nearly 2,000 in England, several thousand in America, and about two million in India. Once people have seen the truth, many decide to spend their lives in service to the Maharaj Ji, he said. When they have decided this, they fall into one of three categories. They can be teachers, administrative staff, or they can earn money towards the mission's running costs. Twenty-one-year-old David Passis, an architect, is another who has seen the Light, and become a disciple of the Maharaj Ji. RESTLESS "I was studying to be an architect, but I found I was unable to concentrate on my work. I was nervous, restless, and doing very badly," he said. "A friend of a friend who had seen the Light suggested I listen to the teachings of the Maharaj Ji as they could be a solution to my problems. "I took his advice, and eventually was shown the Light. I spent a year in India, and since then my whole life has changed for the better," he added. "I have given up smoking, I am now good at my job, and I get on well with my parents for the first time in my life." David Passis, the mission's assistant treasurer, explained that, to be shown the Light, it is necessary first to listen to the teachings of the Maharaj Ji in order to prepare the mind. There are then four stages of meditation before the Maharaj Ji passes on the knowledge. "He will give you nectar to drink, and pass on the word of God to you. It has no alphabetical form, and is beyond the realm of man to understand," he added. "Then you may hear divine music, you will certainly feel the vibrations of the word of God, and you will be able to see this tangible Divine Light inside your mind." He insisted the Maharaj Ji does not try to convert people from other religions, only to show them true knowledge. "The Maharaj Ji says only that if you are a Christian, be a perfect Christian, or if you are a Buddhist, be a true Buddhist," he said. Mr. Finch, chauffeur to the Maharaj Ji when he is not studying, explained most of the mission's disciples in this country are young people. "This is because the idea seems mainly to appeal to the young over here, but an increasing number of middle aged and elderly people are coming to find the truth as the word spreads," he said. "Many of the younger people are bringing their parents to see what we are doing." On Tuesday, November 2, the mission will hold a meeting at Central Hall, Westminster, at which the Maharaj Ji will speak before returning to India for a time. His trip to India will be made in the first Jumbo jet ever chartered and he will be accompanied by more than 300 followers. Reason for his visit is a mass celebration in Delhi, at which more than four million people from all over the world are expected.
49-100 |
71 RKK Dear Holy & Eternal Mother, I tried once to explain to you when you asked me what was in my mind & my aims, but to express my complete love and devotion in words, I find so difficult, so now I hope to do this by letter to pour out my soul at your feet. I just fear that I may mistake my own will for the will of Guru Maharaj Ji, for all I want to do is to serve completely Guru Maharaj Ji and perform his will as best as I can. At the moment my heart tells me to go to Japan, which I am now very close to and give Satsang; and write songs in praise of Guru Maharaj Ji that might echo the pleas and desperate cries of thousands of people that are seeking true knowledge and the love and devotion of millions of devotees that will fall at His sacred lotus feet. U to now, however, the Santsang I have given to Europeans & Americans has through the grace of Guru Maharaji been successful, but I found the Chinese in Hongkong and Taiwan have been difficult as they are moving into top gear of materialism, particularly in these two places as they are Chinese wealthy people, who left China in the fear of the revolution and of communism. They think that spirituality weakens the will, it will be few years before they start to become dissatisfied with materialism and begin to start the search of the spirit. I think that in Japan it will be different as the youth have rejected materialism already and are beginning to ask the question why are we here ? What is the reason for life ? Then I will go to America and help Joan, Anne and Mahatma Guru Charananand and one day help to bring his devotees together with Ashrams and communities all over the world. I know that to do these things I will need much more strength, through constant remembrance of the holy name and that I need to bathe my wandering mind in divine light but with Guru Maharaj Ji's grace I pray and beg that I may be able to do so. Please help me to be a good devotee for I have so many weaknesses and just don't deserve this knowledge and to receive your Darshan. Please take my mind, myself and any thought of me, so that I can just remember the holy name. Please help myself to save myself so that I may show others how to save themselves through the only way the true knowledge of Satguru, the grace of Guru Maharaj Ji. Even though my words still can't express truly what have to say, each word f write I feel Guru Maharaj Ji within me, you make my heart move, my eyes see, my hand write this word, please stay with me always dear Mataji, help me to tell the truth, live the truth and help me to love you forever which is in me and that which is me, which is you. I have just been speaking to some Japanese boys who say that the Japanese people are searching for something as they are very melancholic people. They were very interested in listening to Satsang, but they said that only people in Japan would be interested if at first Guru Maharaj Ji him self came to Japan as there are many monks and masters in Japan and they understand the need for the spirit, but they have to see that Guru Maharaj Ji is different, the Supreme, so please if Guru Maharaj Ji or Bal Bhagwan Ji came just for a little while, then Mahatmas could give the knowledge for they believe what I say but they want to see to experience Guru Maharaj Ji. My pranam to you and the Holi Family. Your devoted servant, Love-Venetia
84-85 20 August, 1971 Most Respected Dear Shri Bal Bhagwan Ji, Pranam. This is the most glorious age in the history of the universe. Shri Guru Maharaj Ji has come in this world in such a form that is truly unbelievable. We are now in Boulder, Colorado, a beautiful, natural mountain land in the great plains, near the central part of America. It is truly a magnificent area, pine trees scent the air; the water is cold and pure, direct from the mountains, wild flowers dot the hills with yellow and purple, and the blue, blue sky is huge, uncluttered by the scars of human civilisation in the form of skyscrapers, pollution, concrete and confusion. Guru Maharaj Ji loves it here very much, He has said it is very calm and quite here; and very good for meditation. Every day we try to take the Beloved Lord out into the mountains for a few hours, so He may enjoy His creation. One of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji's devotees here in Boulder, who received knowledge two days ago, and is so blessed as to be the Lord's driver, has presented Guru Maharaj Ji with a Super 8 movie camera, a Minolta with automatic zoom, automatic exposure meter, can do single frames, with tripod and cable release, polarising filters, and spotlight. Yesterday we went to Rocky Mountain National Park where the Lord took many pictures with His new polaroid camera which He received in Los Angeles and many reels of film were taken on the Super 8. We went to the snow mountains, and the glaciers shone a beautiful blue, a perfect backdrop for the perfect features of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji. Many wonderful photos and films were taken. At least 30 devotees followed Him by car and enjoyed His Lila, basking in the sunlight of his divine presence. Boulder, Colorado is the Rishikesh of America. In this community there are thousands of people, young and old who flocked to hear our Lord on the night of His first programme. At least 2,000 people packed the hall on the evening of 17 August. Ever since that time hundreds of people have come to visit the secluded mountain home in the midst of nature's wonderland, and are camping all over the grounds, not wanting to leave the Holy atmosphere of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji's darbar. More than 250 people are waiting for know. ledge. Really, I wish you could see this divine picture. For the past three days people have been lining up all night to be the first in line for knowledge to be given the next morning. People have left their jobs in the city, their comfort, and are concentrating their every atom of existence to attain this Supreme knowledge by the grace of Guru Maharaj Ji. When people listen to satsang, from our Lord, or from His disciples, they begin to weep. They drink nectar of satsang very thirstily. Every day hundreds are here to receive darshan and hear the holy Discourses of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji. The people after receiving knowledge are like shining stars, going into the city to tell all of the Lord, speaking on the radio, arranging more programs, and making plans to build a beautiful ashram here in the mountains. I feel that our Lord is very pleased with the Love and Devotion which He has manifested here in Boulder, Colorado. Sometimes I feel as if I am awakening from a deep sleep, and I can only weep and feel totally submitted to the Divine Will, the al-encompassing plan of the Supreme Lord as made manifest by His present incarnation as Shri Guru Maharaj Ji. I do not understand this plan nor can I ever see it, but I can only submit myself totally to the perfection of our Lord. I can not grasp anything but my feeling of awe and love and a firm inner voice which whispers over and over again, "Never leave Him, He is the Lord, try to serve Him, try to please Him, Never, never leave Him, He is bliss in Human form." I know more and more about my own ignorance, how miserably incomplete and imperfect. I am, and yet, I rejoice, for if I were perfect, there would be no need for the Lord to come. He is giving the most wonderful satsangs, people listen to His words which come from the power of the highest authority. He is so patient with us, so patient with our imperfections, and always uses Himself as an example, placing Himself on a human level to give us examples that we can relate to. Can you imagine that the Lord speaks in satsang of Himself as a human being, overcoming ego and liable to all the human laws ! He does this to give us an example on our own level, yet it is certain that our Lord is not human. True, He has come in Human body, but I feel that He is the Holy Name, the total power of creation, and in compassion to the human being has put a permanent press shirt over that power so that we may not be too confused. He is so merciful. Yet, none should remain blinded to His human form. He cannot be seen with these eyes, one day in satsang He said, "I am human. But I cannot be seen." This human body is not the Lord, and all in America are coming to the Lotus Feet because of the power of His attraction from soul to soul. He is saving all those who come to Him. We are in perfect bliss, heaven has come to earth. Please offer my pranam to my Beloved Holy Mother, Shri Bhole Ji, Shri Raja Ji. Love and a million pranams from your servant and eternal devotee. Joan (Dhiraj Bai)
89-92 16 September, 1971 Dear Ram Babu, Basant Lal, Trickam Lal and all the Premies, Jai Satchitanand, Truth is the consciousness of bliss, and Shri Guru Maharaj Ji is making America alive to the inner bliss of His Divine Love. We are so fortunate, truly there is nothing to say that can possibly convey how lucky we are, for the Lord is here amongts us in physical form, giving joy and bliss to one and all. Shri Guru Maharaj Ji is engaging in many Celestial Lilas, he squirts us with water and bathes us in the nectar of His Holy discourses. Hundreds upon hundreds of people in America have come to Him in every city that He has graced by His visit. In Boulder, Colorado, 4 thousand people listened to the Lord's discourse, and more than 400 have received knowledge. The people there are so full of love and devotion that we call them the Patna, Bihar of America, though Guru Maharaj Ji laughs at that, for truly there is no equal to Patna, Bihar in all the universe. The West is just being introduced to love and devotion to the Lord, we are small babies who need constant guidance anal attention, but by the extreme grace of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji, He has showered us with so much love, He has implanted in our hearts the seed of divine Love, so that devotion easily flows from the heart of such a lucky person who has received His divine Grace and initiation into the sacred and sovereign science of true Yoga. When people listen to Shri Guru Maharaj Ji's discourses, it is like a veil of fog is being lifted from their hearts, it is as if their eyes are seeing clearly through the mist of ignorance for the first time. Guru Maharaj Ji pierces through the false beliefs in exterior practices, and very strongly tells all that happiness is not to be found in this world, but only from drawing the everlasting waters from the inner fountain of bliss, by knowing the inner name and voice of God, and seeing His true vision. Now there are ashrams in many parts of America, like rays of light, stars, diffusing light to one and all. In Los Angels the wonderful premies there are starting a radio station and already have a printing press, so the Divine news of Guru Maharaj Ji will spread through the air and over the land, giving bliss and stirring the souls of all. Guru Maharaj Ji is in Denver, Colorado there, answering the intense love call of His many hundreds of devotees there who wrote Him 60 letters, and sent five telegrams begging Him to return. Of course, the Lord could not refuse such real love, and so He is there until 20th when He will be in Canada. I am leaving today for Canada, to meet with Halen and help as much as I can until the blessed day Shri Guru Maharaj Ji arrives, The address is: 341
Bloor St. W. I think Guru Maharaj Ji will be in Canada until 10 October when He will grace Germany and perhaps after that Switzerland before returning to London for the November function. That happy day is swiftly arriving when Shri Guru Maharaj Ji will return to His beloved India. to meet all the devotees there. I know that there will be a huge explosion of love, for the hearts of devotees are calling Him so strongly there, He knows how much the premies in India are suffering to have His holy darshan. It is only His Divine mercy which is keeping Him here with us, for we are poor children who know very little of this Divine devotion, but only feel intense love. We are totally dependent upon He alone, for truly Shri Guru Maharaj Ji, is the source of all love and peace in this world, and since our soul immediately recognizes Shri Guru Maharaj Ji as the Supreme Lord and Master, the creator of all, what can we do but follow Him and try our best, in our own imperfect way to please Him. Guru Maharaj Ji says if we want grace then there must be effort. Without effort there is no grace. So if we try to do our best, Shri Guru Maharaj Ji will help us by His grace to be successful. Everything is in Shri Guru Maharaj Ji's hands. It is by His will that we are so lucky as to be able to serve Him, He who has every thing, who needs nothing, but because He is merciful allows us to fumble along and try to earn his blessings. Guru Maharaj Ji went to West Virginia to be with brother Richard Friedericks, who had been 2 years without Guru Maharaj Ji's darshan, but because of His love and practice of meditation, had already understood His divinity. Richard went to London and saw Guru Maharaj Ji for the first time there, and then returned to West Virginia to arrange a programme for the Lord there, Morgan town is a small city, but because of the intense devotion and grace of Guru Maharaj Ji a huge programme was arranged, and 700 people heard the Lord's divine discourse. Many people came the next day and received knowledge. I left early to go to Washington and help arrange a programme there. Guru Maharaj Ji graced my house and lived here, making my home a holy ashram for six days. Really, I cannot tell you how blissful it was to play and laugh and listen to the words of our Lord as He revealed so many parts of His nature to us. I had put on a gorilla suit in West Virginia, and the Lord laughed and laughed. In Washington I put on a Count Dracula cape, and we-all-laughed. The thing is this; being with Shri Guru Maharaj Ji is constant joy, expressed in so many ways. but because our happiness has no bounds, we play and joke and laugh, because in truth the Lord is all laughter, He has no troubles, no worries, He is totally free and independent of all, and only wants to give us enough Love so that we can share in His bliss and partake of His freedom, and laugh in this world, bathing in His Grace. He is the Supreme, the highest manifestation of God. The programme in Washington was very beautiful, though not so huge. About 800 people came to hear the Lord. He spoke directly to the point, stressing that it was not possible to attain true knowledge of God without the grace of a true, living master. About 45 people received knowledge here. Throughout His stay, wonderful lilas were played. The Lord went on a speedboat on the Chesapeake Bay, and I went water skiing behind Him ! When Guru Maharaj Ji left for New York, I stayed behind to clean and arrange the house in good order, so I could leave. My mother and father were in England, and the responsibility of the house fell on my shoulders. Finally I realised that I would not be able to leave Washington -until I had raised enough money to pay the bills, and had several meetings with the new premies, so that all could have the grace of holy company. Devotees gathered together in the Lord's Name, and he encouraged to practise their meditation. It was the first time I had not beers with Shri Guru Maharaj Ji, and my heart felt like an abandoned child. I drove up to New York the day of His programme there, and was driving so fast that I got arrested, but the police were kind, and I told them about Guru Maharaj Ji, and they let me go with a fine so that I was able to reach the hall in time to sing one song before Shri Guru Maharaj Ji's arrival. It was so Divine, I was totally lost in Love, seeing the Divine countenance of our beautiful Lord, who intoxicates the soul. Then I returned to Washington, where I raised the money needed to pay back the outstanding bills just in time before my mother and father returned home. When they returned, I felt that the house was no longer a holy ashram. By the grace of Guru Maharaj Ji my eldest brother received knowledge, and His wife, but my mother and father are still not understanding this knowledge, for they were so unlucky as to be out of the country during Guru Maharaj Ji's visit here and did not have the darshan of the lovely Lord, nor did they hear His discourse. Of course, my mother heard Guru Maharaj Ji in Los Angeles, but she still needs more time to understand the importance of spiritual knowledge. I was thinking so hard, feeling so hard of Guru Maharaj Ji, wishing that I should be with Him, and wondering what to do about my family, when the telephone rang and there was the wonderful sound of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji, I don't know what happened, the Lord laughed and laughed so completely that my whole soul filled to the brim, and I soared high above this universe in bliss, laughing and laughing, and forgetting my external existence completely. Guru Maharaj Ji laughed when He heard that I had been earning money by going to the University here, spreading a cloth under a tree, and selling many different things, just like an Indian bazar wala. When I told Him, I had finished my work raising money, He said to come to Boulder or Toronto, and my heart sprouted wings and flew to His feet to do pranam. Really, He knows every thing about our internal heart, there is nothing hidden from Him, and He is the great Comforter. So today James and myself are flying to the ashram in Canada. I never think of the future, for I know that Guru Maharaj Ji will always take care of me and place me in the proper place at the proper time. He is all knowing, we have nothing in this whole world to fear. He has made us free. I look forward to our meeting in November, when I witness the meeting of the Lord with His devotees in India, and see them lose bodily consciousness for joy at seeing the Divine vision of our Lord once again. He has stolen our hearts, there is nothing but Him in this whole world. How lucky we are ! My Jai Satchitanand to one and all. Love from your sister. Dhiraj Bai P.S. Please convey my dandwat pranam to the Most Holy Divine Mother, the sustainer of all, who has sacrificed every thing to this world, to give the Divine Love of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji to the world, and to the most Perfect Shri Bal Bhagwan Ji whom I miss more than words can tell; who is the Divine Expression of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji's Love in this world from time immemorial. I wonder what Celestial plans He is making for the November function, and wish I could be there to do service like last year, the most blissful work of all, by His side. My most danwat pranam before the Feet of Shri Bhole Ji and Shri Raja Ji. P.S.S. This article is not exactly the best. I personally do not like the journalist's style, he is not serious, tells very little about the Lord, and more about His impressions of the house the day He arrived, for an interview. This is the Kali Yuga. Still, the pictures and quotations and many other things in the article are very good, so I am sending the whole thing along to you. |