Re: Quoll rhymes with....
Re: Quoll rhymes with.... -- gerry Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: stranger ®
04/22/2003, 20:35:53

I agree that this person is most likely a premie troll, but I found his arguments provide a great opportunity to address issues, step by step, for any new readers of this forum. If a person interested in Knowledge decides to check out Rawat on the web, that person will eventually stumble across this forum. Since Quoll did such a nice job of setting up the debate, it seemed the only thing to do was to lob the ball back again. That way, interested people can see both sides of the story and decide for themselves.

I mean, after all, any half sane, logical person is going to see through the lies if presented with enough facts and evidence from those who already experienced the "truth" from both sides of the fence.


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