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Re: Wonderful post, Annie -- Jim | Post Reply | Top of thread | Forum |
Posted by: stranger ® 04/23/2003, 03:22:21 Edit |
Jim I have the rank of professor but I am actually working as a department chairperson, so I'm not teaching right now. My graduate work (in Australia) was in education using information technology (such as eLearning and other online events) and incorporating technology into the classroom. My position right now is within a department that utilizes applied robotics and computer automated technologies related to different kinds of manufacturing and science technologies. Are you in the academic world too? I always found it interesting that Rawat seemed to disparage education but then tried to brag about his own studies when he was doing some sort of associate level degree (or was it a baccalaureate?). I remember (vaguely) hearing him say something about getting close to completing both an arts and applied science degree -- does anyone remember if that was an AA or ASc, BA or BSc? I can't remember if it was airplane related or general ed. Unless it is something that he is doing, it isn't worth doing - and then, of course, he naturally does it better than anyone else. Anyway, I love education and can't believe that any parent would NOT want their children to expand their awareness and understanding by continuing their education throughout their whole life. Rawat has limited his world so much that he can't see that there is a lot more to this creation than simple navel gazing (or pressing of eyeballs etc.). His contention that Knowledge is all that anyone will ever need, has been proven to be patently absurd. If nothing else, I want to give my daughter a sense of self - but not the limited self that Rawat preaches. I don't want her to feel that the mind, the body and the soul are separate and in conflict with each other. I want her to know that she is the sum total of all her understanding, experience and knowledge, as well as her body and her spirit -- nothing stands alone and everything has an impact on the total being. That way she can maintain her sense of self and identity despite major changes in her life, whether they are physical, intellectual, emotional or spiritual. Changes in life can be instrumental in teaching humans to adapt and be flexible. I also want her to feel that although she might not always feel a sense of control in her life, she can accept personal responsibility for her own actions and can make choices and decisions based on informed consideration, as well as on her instinct and inclination. That way she can control certain aspects of any situation through her own choices and actions, and hopefully will never feel totally powerless. Well, here I am preaching some of my personal philosophy - but at least I know it is my *opinion* and not a reality that others should live by. If my daughter chooses to believe something totally different, I will be thrilled that she has at least thought about it enough to disagree! One would think that a "real" guru would want the devotees to finally achieve independence as an indication that learning has occurred! I don't know any faculty where I work who hope the students will fail every year, just so they can stay with them forever So, a long answer to a short question... but in closing, I will say that I consider the sign of a truly successful parent (or teacher) is the ability of the child (student) to feel free enough to disagree, leave home (school) and return as an equal without any destruction in the relationship. I look forward having many interesting discussions with my daughter as she begins to form her own opinions and, in doing so, challenges mine! She already argues longer and harder than any lawyer (no offence Marianne) but not as rationally. Annie
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