To Will
Re: Re: One question -- Will Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: Samady ®
03/20/2003, 19:11:54


Dear Will,

I enjoyed reading your post as usual.  An interesting correlation from antiquity is the comment from Christ that he would return 'like a thief in the night', i.e. that he would come incognito.  OK, fine.

It does not add up that Mr. Rawat would come on from 1971-19?? as the Living Perfect Master to reveal himself in all his glory to the ones who were with him then, and then years later to tell all the premies to destroy all media about him from before a certain date, as if everyone would have amnesia or something, and as if no one outside the fold would remember the mass media coverage of his arrival in the west and all the things he said back then.  The book 'Who Is GMJ' is out there in the mass media even now.   He was on Merv Griffin as the Living Perfect Master, so how can he or any overzealous premie accuse anyone on EPO of spilling the beans?  They were already spilled years ago.

We could all be really cool if we could disown our true past and recreate it every few years....hmmmm.....NOT!

I take the steak analogy to mean that when people first come, they get satsang (milk) until they have the teeth to eat the steak (K). 

All this talk about steak, and deep down inside I want to be vegan, to be as originally created....

Keep it coming, Will.   


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