- Do you believe that as a Master you should lead by example?
If not, why not?
- Why do you encourage your followers to line up and kiss your feet?
- When you said "Guru Maharaj Ji is the Supremest Lord in person before us", what exactly did you mean?
- Why did you say on your website that you are not a leader and then pay to have an article published in Leaders magazine?
- The song Arti is sung to "the Superior Power in Person". Why do you allow your followers to sing this song to you?
- What did you do when you found out that your instructor Jagdeo was a paedophile?
- How can you claim to be a bringer of peace when you don't
even get along with your own brother, Satpal?
- Why do you smoke if the breath is so precious to you?
- If Knowledge is so great, why do you drink so much alcohol?
- Have you always been faithful to your wife?